Sunday, June 21, 2009

Culture Unplugged Video

I'm usually very reluctant to share what I believe to be merely guilt-inspiring content which seems to serve only to make us feel badly. This video, however, struck a nerve - especially because of how we complain about things that are really so insignificant. I know that complaining about what I eat will be that much more difficult now.

Oh, and now saying grace before a meal takes on a whole new depth of meaning...

View this movie at

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ok, I told you so...

Well, I couldn't resist. To me, the hypocrisy here is self-evident. If not for the recognizable landmarks (e.g.-Wash. Monument) I would not know this was DC after BHO's coronation, er, inauguration. Quite literally: trashed.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Obama's legacy?

As an article from World Net Daily explains, an abortionist has lost her medical license and the owner of the abortuary is being sued. But the question remains: why has no one been charged with murder in the death of this ALREADY BORN baby? Owing to the details alleged in the case, the abortuary owner, Belkis Gonzalez (pictured here) should be in jail awaiting trial for murder.

From the article:

"As a direct and proximate result of the negligent conduct of the Defendants, Plantiff Sycloria witnessed the live birth and suffering of her daughter as she struggled for life in pain, moving and breathing on the recliner. She witnessed Belkis Gonzalez enter the room and knock the live baby from the recliner seat where she had given birth to the floor. She then witnessed the murder of her daughter by Belkis Gonzalez before her eyes, as Belkis Gonzalez picked up a large pair of orange shears and cut the umbilical cord connecting mother and daughter. Belkis Gonzalez did not clamp the baby's umbilical cord allowing the baby to bleed out and also threw or by some accounts literally swept the breathing live child into a biohazard bag to suffocate and bleed to death. There are reports that Belkis Gonzalez also placed a caustic chemical in the bag with the live baby."

Where is the outrage, even among those who are proponents of preborn killing? This is the very type of killing that our new president, Mr. Obama, has supported in the past by actively opposing legislation that would make it illegal (h/t to Jill Stanek and her outstanding work). He has made it clear that he will accept no limitations when a woman "chooses" to kill her fetus, or, whoops! - her child. What euphemism shall we use for a child who is unexpectedly born before she dies like she is supposed to..."product of birth?" "A lump of born tissue?"

This is evil, and those who turn away from it (Mr. President?) are complicit.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More Planned Parenthood evil

Once again, pro-life heroine and UCLA student Lila Rose has exposed Planned Parenthood as rot in our society. Live Action Films has released the latest in its series of undercover video exposes of PP, this one in Arizona. For those of us who spend our lives trying to protect and defend the young and innocent, it is nauseating. Many do not know that, if this happened in NY State, the "mandated reporter" law does not actually protect a 15-year-old under these circumstances - it protects the abortionist, the "27-year-old boyfriend," and any others who are complicit in her rape and the killing of her baby. There is an unfortunate loophole that allows this thing to continue while our daughters are wounded and our culture slides deeper into the pit.

I wonder how long this video survives before YouTube decides to inexplicably take it down. Any guesses?

Another good article on Deacon Adam Crowe

Another good blog/article on Deacon Adam Crowe - please pray for him!

Our Diocese has posted an excellent tribute to Adam, including the homily from his funeral Mass, our Bishop's remarks, a bio and some vido.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

From where did all the Canon lawyers come?

I keep hearing over, and over, and over about how Pope Benedict has made a huge mistake in lifting the excommunication of Bishop Richard Williamson because of his holocaust denial. I don't think you need to be a canon lawyer to understand that denying the Holocaust is not a matter of faith and morals. Stupid - maybe, ignorant - beyond doubt, but unless there are evil intentions, sin, it is not.

Bishop Williamson is, by my reading, not denying the facts of the Holocaust because of anti-semitism or pro-naziism - he just has been grossly misinformed of the evidence/facts surrounding this sad part of our history. What some don't know is that he delivered a letter to Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei on January 30:
To His Eminence Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos

Your Eminence

Amidst this tremendous media storm stirred up by imprudent remarks of mine on Swedish television, I beg of you to accept, only as is properly respectful, my sincere regrets for having caused to yourself and to the Holy Father so much unnecessary distress and problems.

For me, all that matters is the Truth Incarnate, and the interests of His one true Church, through which alone we can save our souls and give eternal glory, in our little way, to Almighty God. So I have only one comment, from the prophet Jonas, I, 12:

"Take me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will quiet down for you; for I know it is because of me that this great tempest has come upon you."

Please also accept, and convey to the Holy Father, my sincere personal thanks for the document signed last Wednesday and made public on Saturday. Most humbly I will offer a Mass for both of you.

Sincerely yours in Christ

+Richard Williamson
Now, many believe he should have gone further by renouncing his earlier statements. In his letter he is clearly setting out his "imprudence" with what he said. He can only do what he has already - apologize and acknowledge that he was out-of-bounds by making the statements in the first place. The Holy Father and many other bishops have repeatedly spoken on the Holocaust, even canonizing victims of it (e.g. - Sts. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross-Edith Stein and Maximillian Kolbe). The Church's position is clear and our informed Jewish brothers and sisters are aware of it.

The biggest trouble with this is the amateur canonists among us who are quick to condemn Pope Benedict without recognizing that the lifting of the excommunications had nothing to do with the SSPX Bishops' personal views on historical facts. If I were to publicly state that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hoaxes, does that make me eligible for excommunication? No...commitment for observation, maybe, but not excommunication.

There are even some so-called Catholic congressmen who have weighed in on this, despite the fact that they are walking around sporting large millstone necklaces for their active pro-abortion position (h/t to Ed Mechmann on this). How much arrogance does it take to participate in the eradication of millions of babies and then lecture the Holy Father on how he should carry out his ministry?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Great quote

I ran across this quote the other day and I think it has a ton of relevance when it comes to our current economy and the proposed solutions proposed by our bloated Congress and President. It makes so much sense because it's simple and logical:

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

~~~ The late Dr. Adrian Rogers , 1931 to 2005 ~~~

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A good man has left us...for now

Deacon Adam Crowe, who was to receive priestly ordination this spring, has instead unexpectedly gone to his reward. He was in his final year of formation at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, PA. We pray for his family, friends and his brother seminarians. As you can imagine, this is a great and personal loss for our bishop and diocese.

While I was not personally a friend of Adam's (I had met him a couple of times), those who were had nothing but admiration for his wholesome "realness." We already had plans to "kidnap" him for next year's March for Life. How the youth love to have a young priest on their pilgrimage!

This is a sad reminder of our mortality, but also of the value of cherishing what is truly important.

Rest in peace, good man.

Some links to other tributes here, here, here and here.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Verizon Center youth rally and Mass

We attended the youth rally and Mass at the Verizon Center in DC just prior to the March for Life on Thursday. Both events were inspiring, however, something struck me hard during the Mass. It was a something I did not expect, but it dominated my thoughts for some time afterward.

I went to confession prior to Mass (I was cutting it very close!) and was on somewhat of the spiritual high I'm used to following that healing Sacrament. The music being played was provided by some very talented and faithful Catholic musicians. It was in the format we are quite used to for these types of events - modern instrumentation with guitars, keyboards, drums and the like. Very well received and provoking spirited joy and participation. When Mass began, the same musicians provided the music. I want to stress that these people are devoted to the Church and faithful to Her teachings - and very respectful to the liturgy and the faith. Throughout the Mass, they provided the entrance song, the preparation song and the parts of the Mass like the responsorial, alleluia, Sanctus, etc. with admirable musicianship. Here's the catch - my personal experience. For communion, again, the same format and musicians provided the backdrop.

Until THEY started to sing. THEY were the scholas of Mount St. Mary's and Theological College Seminaries. I do not know specifically what they had in their repertoire. They chanted. They sang in Latin and in English. It was captivating, inspiring, uplifting...holy. My interior demeanor made an instantaneous shift from "how nice to see so many young people" and "when will I have a chance to eat before the March" to "Lord, thank you for putting me in this place" and "This REALLY is the source and summit of the Christian life!" I did not expect it, but it was wholly welcome. Those voices of men completed the conversion of this sports arena into a sanctuary of the Living God.

I have wrestled before with the issue of what is appropriate music for liturgy. This experience proved for me why the Church insists that chant be given "pride of place." It is because it is not mundane, but sacred music that, by it's very design is made to lift up the soul to prayer. Deal Hudson offers a wider perspective.

To the men of those seminary scholas: thanks, guys.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No respect

As I predicted, the lack of respect shows on many fronts (Is this a smug "I told you so?"). They don't respect people with whom they disagree. They don't respect life. They assume that someone else will clean up after them. They literally trashed Chicago and now, in turn, our nation's capitol. Classless. Nice "change."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pro-life Obama?

This comes from Do you think it would change BHO's perspective? A little?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

This week

We're going to the D.C. March For Life (for the 12th year in a row) this year - two buses, 90+ people, a full agenda and the daunting realization that BHO's inauguration is only two days prior. Is it too cynical to say that I fully expect the Obamabots to trash the place before we arrive? The MFLers, despite our consistent 100,000+ numbers year after year, leave a minimal environmental impact on the city. I guess respect for life goes hand-in-hand with other types of respect.

This is the first of my modest predictions on which I will probably fall flat. If I'm right, a smug "I told you so" is probably not in the cards. I'd much rather see a successful presidency that rescues the world from its every woe - something many believe. Unfortunately, that smacks of messianism and we already have a Messiah. He has already provided salvation, we only have to follow Him - something Obama has clearly decided NOT to do.